Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

A Christmas Ornament Giveaway

on December 8, 2011

Because today is my birthday….
Because it is advent season….
Because I made these cute ornaments I found on Pinterest…

I am giving away these three felt ornaments!

How to enter? Leave a comment here on my blog letting me know what is your favorite type of Christmas ornament.

My favorite type of Christmas ornament is snowflakes. We don’t get any snow here where we live (and I am kind of glad that we don’t. I am not one who likes to be cold.) But I love how snowflakes are so unique and beautiful…kind of like each one of us. God created each one of us to be unique and beautiful in His eyes. Our world puts too much emphasis on exterior beauty, but God is concerned with the condition of our heart. I pray that each one of you takes time this advent season to truly consider how much He loves us.

Be sure to leave your comment by Monday, December 12th. All comments must be entered by midnight pacific time to be considered for the drawing.

4 responses to “A Christmas Ornament Giveaway

  1. Kelli Riley says:

    Wow….this is hard because I love ornaments. Period. There are so many kinds and colors, shapes and sizes. Some sparkle. Some shine. Some are peaceful. They each have their own story and their own memory. I love the ones my grandma made when we were little. They let me know that she is still with us in spirit. I love the Barbie ornament that Cody's grandma gave us our first Christmas. It reminds me of her. I love the ones that my friends have given me. I still have a painted ostrich egg one that my friend gave me in high school (you KNOW that one is old…lol). BUT, I guess if I HAD to pick a favorite, it would be the ones that my kids have made throughout the years. They remind me of my blessings. They remind me of their precious spirits. They remind me of a time past. They make me reflect upon God's grace and abounding love. After all, isn't that what Christmas is all about?

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love glass ice cycles cause they remind me when I was little in Kansas and we would pull the ice cycles off things and suck on them. They were cold and fresh. BB again…love mom

  3. Lynn Stoppe says:

    I would have to say my favorite ones are the ones that others have made for us. They are so special. We remember each person or family as we put them on the tree. I love that it is another time during the year that they are brought to our minds. We can be reminiscent of our times together and pray for their new year.

  4. exgoatmilker says:

    I love vintage ornaments with little hand painted designs and lots of glitter 🙂 Happy birthday!

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