Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Compassion Sponsors Needed

on December 12, 2011

As a child advocate with Compassion International, I usually have on hand a couple of child packets. These child packets include information on children who are currently attending a child development center in one of the countries where Compassion is working, but these kids currently don’t have a sponsor. I would love to see every one of these kids find sponsors!

Mukumdwa is a beautiful young lady from Rwanda. She lives with her father and her mother. She is responsible for carrying water and gathering firewood. There are 5 children in her family. Mukumdwas has been waiting 7 months for a sponsor.

Little Liuwork live in Ethiopia and she lives with her mother. Liuwork helps her mom by running errands. There are 4 children in her family.

Young Carlos lives in Brazil and has been waiting for a sponsor for 8 months. He lives in Brazil with his uncle and his aunt. Running errands is his household duty and there are 5 children in the family. His birthday is next week. What a blessing it would be for him to find a sponsor for his birthday!

If you would like to help release one of these children from poverty in Jesus’ name, please comment on this blog post or send me an e-mail at kymk99 at yahoo dot com. I’ll be praying that sponsors are found for each one of these precious children.

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