Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Space Adventure!

on April 17, 2012
Kelsey was able to join her American Heritage Girl unit for an afternoon last week at the Challenger Learning Center.

She paired up with her buddy Hannah to explore the museum before their space mission.
The girls were split up into two groups. One group started out in ‘mission control’, the other group was on the ‘space shuttle’. Kelsey was in the group that started out in ‘mission control’. She worked with her partner on the ‘space shuttle’ to give her instructions on how to assemble the probe.
About half way through the mission, the girls switched places and we ended up on the ‘space shuttle’. Kelsey took over assembling the probe. They only had so much time to complete the mission.

By working together, the girls were able to complete their ‘mission’ and the probe was released to meet up with Haley’s Comet.
We then went into another room for a presentation about all the planets. I love this ‘picture’ of the sun with all the planets lined up on it.
As we were leaving the museum, we got caught in a huge downpour. Once we started getting closer to home, the storm cleared up. It made for a beautiful cloud filled picture!

One response to “Space Adventure!

  1. Jordan says:

    Did a similar thing at the Nasa Ames center for my birthday when I was the same age. Loved it.

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