Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Summer Day Trip: San Francisco Zoo

on August 15, 2012
We have had quite the busy summer! Matthew working at the orchard, helping with VBS, trip to Colorado, homeschool conference, busy, busy, busy! So busy, in fact, that we have hardly made a dent in our ‘day trips we would like to go on this summer’ list. So last week, we were able to cross off one more location on our list…our destination…

…San Francisco Zoo. I can’t even remember the last time we visited here. I don’t believe Kelsey had ever been here before, that is how long ago it has been!
It was much cooler here than it has been at home. Driving 2 hours west from home can really make a difference in the temperature, which makes heading to the coast in the summer a nice break from our the hot days we have in the valley.
They did not pose for this picture willingly. :o)
On the other hand, this picture was not posed. I love how much they enjoy spending time together. I pray they continue to have such a great relationship!
We can usually see penguins when we visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium, but this was a treat to see so many of them here. The two penguins toward the top did not move the whole time. It was almost like they were guarding the whole flock!
Mr. Polar Bear was just getting ready for a swim. I am sure even though it was a pleasant day for us, he was feeling a little warm.
Real or not real? I seriously thought this koala was fake! Since they are nocturnal animals, every single one of the koalas were sleeping, no twitching, no snoring, no movement at all. Maybe we need to go back at night to see them moving around. They sure were cute though.
I really like to take close up pictures of the many flowers I find on our outings. It might be fun to put together a journal of all the flowers I find, maybe figure out what type of flowers they are too.
Since the entrance to the park is right across the street from the beach, I couldn’t just drive away without getting at least one picture of the ocean. I love hearing the ocean waves.
As we were leaving the city, we ran across a fairly new National Park. Apparently, this area was part of a large salt water swimming facility back in the late 1800’s. The original building is no longer there, but you can see the foundation below by the ocean. Since there are hiking trails in the area, we will have to go back for a visit here on another outing.
Have you had a chance to go on some summer day trips in your area?

4 responses to “Summer Day Trip: San Francisco Zoo

  1. Teena says:

    Thanks for the comment. Love your pics. Love taking pics of beautiful places/things. We were stationed in Calif yrs ago (1984-1989). We were in Lemoore and then south in Fallbrook/Oceanside. Never been back… would love to some day! San Diego Zoo is awesome. We went to the Jacksonville zoo back in January. We went with a group and spent the night in the zoo! It was very cool. Freezing weather but really cool! Hugs,Teena

  2. This lifelong Sacramento girl has never been to the San Francisco Zoo. Sad, huh? Is the new National Park area where the Cliff House and Sutro Bath Houses were? It looks so familiar. I have a series of vintage photos hung in my parlor of the Cliff House – from its construction, through its hey day and then of the fire that destroyed it. I'd find it interesting if the National Park Service is working to protect this area.

  3. Yvonne says:

    California is a huge state! We have never been to the San Diego Zoo, but we did go to the San Diego Wild Animal Park years ago.Spending the night at the zoo? Sounds like a fun thing to do!

  4. Yvonne says:

    It had been years since we had been there. It is a very nice zoo, but a little more on the pricey side.Yes, the new park is in that same area. Looks like it would be a fun outing on one of our hot valley summer days!

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