Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

It all started with…

on August 19, 2012
…a picture I saw in the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens.
Source: bhg.com via Yvonne on Pinterest

The article had a sub-heading which stated, “Enjoy summer afternoons in a dreamy garden escape built on a budget with repurposed materials.” So I started adding some fun, creative ideas to my Backyard and Garden board on Pinterest to see if we could make this ‘retreat’ a reality.

We had quite a few things on our side already to get this project underway: 1. we already have an existing outside structure, 2. we had a couple of closet doors living in the garage taking up space, and 3. we had a couple of shutters, also in the garage taking up space.

So we purchased a few items to get started on this project: 1. paint for the structure and spray paint for a couple of other items, 2. small crates to be used as shelving, 3. a light fixture (from the Re-store Store) for candles, and 4. an outdoor rug.

Matthew was able to paint some of the items this week. Then this morning, Kev and Kelsey painted the structure.

 We added the doors to one corner
 I painted the doors while…
 …Kev painted the shutters.
 Here is the light fixture we will be adding.
 Found this cute table for $10 at Hobby Lobby!
 Crates added to the doors for shelving
 One view of what we have put together so far
And another view
At this point, we need to put up the light fixture (which we will just be using with candles), purchase a couple of adirondack chairs, and lay down the carpet. Then just add a couple more decorative items and we will have a nice ‘beachy’ area in our backyard. Kev even said I should find some ocean tunes on iTunes to play while I am back here reading my Bible in the morning. Then I can pretend I am at the beach, definitely like this idea!
I will be sure to post pictures of the finished area once we have everything in place. So what project have you tackled at home this summer?

8 responses to “It all started with…

  1. Nicely done! I like your husband's idea for having a beach tunes playlist for your backyard getaway.

  2. Teena says:

    very nice…. great place. Thanks for sharing 🙂 hugs,Teena

  3. Grandmabio says:

    That is going to be awesome !!! Love the colors and the light will add to the look. Very nice job !!!

  4. Yvonne says:

    Thank you Cheryl! I am looking forward to getting the chairs this week, so I can enjoy this in the mornings!

  5. Yvonne says:

    Thanks Teena! I know this will be a fun place to hang out with my family. 🙂

  6. Yvonne says:

    Thanks Mom! You should see the old windows I bought today to add to this! 🙂

  7. Jill Foley says:

    Oh wow – what a lovely retreat! I've been dreaming of something for my backyard, too.

  8. Yvonne says:

    Thank you Jill! It sure has been fun to put together, the possibilities are endless! Thankfully, this has been a pretty inexpensive re-do… :o)

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