Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Not Quite Back to School Day

on August 21, 2012
 Our day started with a little bit of this…
 …and a little bit of this.
You see, Matthew starts his first day of college tomorrow, and Kelsey and I will be starting our first day of our new homeschool year tomorrow. Since Matthew will be leaving quite early in the morning (and Kelsey is not an early morning person), we decided to have our special breakfast this morning to celebrate our upcoming school year.
After breakfast, we packed our lunch and headed out for Knight’s Ferry. This destination has the longest covered bridge in California and is a great spot for pictures. Once we arrived, we started walking over toward the bridge and stopped briefly for these next two pictures.
 Kelsey, starting 7th grade
 Matthew, starting college!
 The bridge is always a great backdrop for pictures
 Not sure which one I like better of the two of them. This one or…
 …this one. So hard to decide!
Matthew said I needed to be in a picture since I am usually always the photographer.
 I like to put the camera in burst mode and have the kids jump around.
 Kelsey usually jumps pretty high for these shots!
 Photo session was done, so it was time for lunch. Matthew was looking pretty serious, so…
 …Kelsey did her best to get a smile out of her brother! :o)
 After lunch, we drove over to the Ghirardelli Outlet for ice cream sundaes. Gotta have a special treat for the ‘first’ day of school, right? :o) 
Once we got home and the mail arrived, I was so excited to see what arrived! This is my Gussy Sews pouch made with fabric from Tanzania! When Maggie and her husband traveled to Tanzania with Compassion a few months ago, she brought back fabric and made pouches from the fabric. A portion of the profit from the sale of these pouches will be used to help sponsor a child with Compassion. How could I not buy one of these pouches? :o)
So tomorrow starts a new adventure for us…Matthew off to college, and Kelsey being my only student. I am looking forward to what God has in store for this new chapter in our life!

2 responses to “Not Quite Back to School Day

  1. Kayla says:

    Those sundaes look amazing. Wow. What a great first day of school treat!

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