Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

The Birthday Day Trip

on August 29, 2012
 Matthew’s Birthday Morning Breakfast!
 Finishing up decorating the cake before leaving for our day trip
 Today’s day trip destination…Winchester House
 Gingerbread Winchester House
 Cool old things on display
 The whole reason why Matthew wanted to come here for his birthday! Firearms Museum!
 Old advertisement
 I know they were wishing they could get through the glass and hold all those guns!
 We did go on the house tour, but they strictly forbid any photography inside the home. So I had to make do with just a couple of pictures outside the home. Many windows in the home were purchased from the Tiffany Class Company.
After our day trip, we headed home to prepare for a BBQ with our church college group and some friends to continue Matthew’s birthday celebration.
 “Happy Birthday to you!”
It ended up being a great night to celebrate Matthew’s 18th birthday!

One response to “The Birthday Day Trip

  1. Teena says:

    Happy Birthday… a little late… looks like everyone had a great time! Hugs.

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