Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Playing catch up

on October 5, 2012

During the summer, I found a couple of challenges on Pinterest that I thought would be fun for me and Kelsey to work on together.

Since there are more than 30 days during summer, I figured we would have no problem finishing these up!

Well, today is the 4th of October and we just finished day 19 of the challenges. Summer ended up being busier than either one of us expected, but we are determined to get working on finishing up the challenges. Here is my picture from yesterday:

My shoes – it has been over 95 degrees here everyday since last Friday, summer just doesn’t seem to want to leave.

This is not my doodle, this is my husband’s doodle from a card he made for me. My drawings/doodles could and never will look this good!

This is my doodle, I was never really a doodler. My nose was always in a book. My kids are better doodlers than I am which means I probably don’t even have a doodling gene in my body. I will stick to reading, baking, photography, sewing, etc.

What kind of challenges have you done with your kids?

4 responses to “Playing catch up

  1. Grandmabio says:

    I love your doodle :o)

  2. teresadawn says:

    Love the doodles, I doodle all the time and they still look terrible haha!

  3. Yvonne says:

    LOL Teresa! I have never been a doodler, but it was fun working on this with my daughter! 🙂

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