Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

My latest homework assignment: Portraits

on October 11, 2012

We are probably about half way through the photography class I am taking and I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable taking pictures in the manual setting now. I know I still have a lot to learn, but our latest assignment allowed me to use two of my favortie subjects!

 1/40s, f/5.0, iso 100 at 92.0mm
This one is straight out of the camera. Since I have an old version of Photoshop Elements (6.0, should I upgrade?) and I just purchased a used book to try to learn the program, I went through and did a quick edit on this one.
 This is the quick edit version. Do you see any difference? My instructor said I did good camera work on the portraits, but a little processing would enhance them a bit. Guess I need to spend a little more time learning Elements!
 1/80s, f/4.2, iso 100 at75.0mm
Again, here is the straight out of the camera shot, and here…
…the quick edit version. I know I could probably crop in on this one so that both photos are cropped similar (the grandparents might like these for Christmas!)
I wonder what we are going to learn at our next class?

4 responses to “My latest homework assignment: Portraits

  1. Anne says:

    I took a photography class in college, many many years ago, before digital. I need to take a class again, I've forgotten so much! I'm enjoying your updates, it inspires me.

  2. Grandmabio says:

    Yes, the gramdma loves the pictures. Your subjects are very handsome and beautiful.

  3. Yvonne says:

    Thank you Anne! I am by no means an expert, but I sure am enjoying learning! Now if I can just figure out what to do with Photoshop Elements… :o)

  4. Yvonne says:

    I guess you know what to expect for Christmas then… :o)

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