Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Snowflake Window Decoration Tutorial

on November 29, 2012
I am not really a winter person, but I do really like snowflakes. And as much as I love decorating for Christmas, I love having decorations that can be up past Christmas. The house always looks so bare after Christmas when all the decorations are put away, so to be able to keep some ‘winter’ decorations up, helps me to keep the ‘winter blues’ away.
One of the very first things I pinned on Pinterest was a window decoration using ornaments. This year, I have been pinning some crochet snowflake projects and thought I could use the same concept as the ornaments, but use snowflakes instead.
So I used this snowflake pattern, but instead of making the garland, I made single snowflakes.
 Then I gathered some pom poms, fishing line, a needle and a pair of scissors.
 I tied a knot at the end of a length of fishing line and put this through a pom pom.
 Then I threaded the fishing line through one of the snowflakes. To kind of keep the snowflakes and pom poms from slipping down the fishing line, I looped the fishing line around again and put the needle through the same spot. You can add as many pom poms and snowflakes to a length of fishing line that suits you. Then I made a loop at the top of the fishing line.
 I placed tension rods in the window frame
 Then using ornament hooks, I hung the lengths of snowflakes and pom poms onto the tension rods.
 You can add as many lengths to your window as you like.
I just love the way it looks!
What projects are you working on?

2 responses to “Snowflake Window Decoration Tutorial

  1. Emily says:

    This is such a cute idea! I'd love to try it at my house, but unfortunately I've got two VERY playful cats and I'm certain I'd come home to chaos. Even so, your photos of the completed windows make me happy 🙂 They are so festive! AND You could totally leave them up through January.

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