Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

December Photo Project – Day 8

on December 9, 2012
Happy Birthday to me from my family! This will go great with brownies and winter white chocolate ice cream from Baskin Robbins tonight :o)

5 responses to “December Photo Project – Day 8

  1. Jill Foley says:

    Happy Birthday Yvonne! Wish I could come over and watch it with you – I'd even bring my own chocolate.

  2. Yvonne says:

    Thank you Jill! It would be so fun to have you over to watch Downton Abbey! Hope we will have a chance to meet one day :o)

  3. Jordan says:

    Love that show! New season starts in just a couple weeks!

  4. Jill Foley says:

    I've watched Season 1, but can't seem to find Season 2 on Netflix or Amazon.

  5. Yvonne says:

    Hey Jill, that settles it, you just need to come down for a visit!

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