Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Time for InstaFriday…a little late

on September 23, 2012
Here is a recap of my week of Instagram photos…
Last Friday, we held our monthly Compassion sponsor letter writing night. Found this idea on Pinterest! I also found some cute fall stickers at Michaels to send along with this month’s letters.
 Saturday was our annual beach trip with our church family. It was a beautiful sunny day, and as tradition would have it, we ended our day together singing worship songs before heading home.
 Sunday was an exciting day at church! We started the service in our old building, squished together and just a little warm like usual. Just before it was time for our pastor to deliver the message, he invited us all over to our new building! Many faithful workers have set aside many hours to complete our new church building!
 Last time we went through Mystery of History, I was teaching both kids. This time, Kelsey gets to do all the projects on her own. We just finished reading about the early Egyptians. Project time was to construct a pyramid. She did a great job working on her own!
 The mornings have started to get just a little bit chilly here, decided to have my first cup of hot tea in quite a while! Harney & Sons Vanilla Comoro is so yummy with a little bit of raw sugar… :o)
 Time to start learning how to use my Photoshop Elements 6.0 program. So glad the library has these books so I can decide which one to look for used.
 Found a couple of cloth book kits on our last trip to Wal-Mart. I love making these types of gifts!
 Compassion Event Time! We signed up to be volunteers at the first stop on The City Harmonic’s new tour as a headline band. Matthew and I had heard these guys a couple of times already this year. We knew this would be a great event to work at because Bob Lenz would be speaking! And it was a great event! 28 Compassion kids were sponsored that night! Yay!
Since I didn’t get my InstaFriday post up yesterday, there is one more picture to share with you. Today is the first day of autumn and I finally took down all of my summer decorations… :o(
Want to join in the IntsaFriday fun? Be sure to visit the link at Life Rearranged’s blog!

life rearranged

2 responses to “Time for InstaFriday…a little late

  1. Anne says:

    The first cup of hot tea on a chilly autumn day is the best. // jealous of the beach worship session. // have a great week!

  2. Yvonne says:

    Hi Anne! Our afternoons have been warming up quite nicely, so I haven't had another cup of hot tea yet. That one was quite nice though! Hope your week goes well!

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