Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Capture Your 365

Here are a few of my photos from the latest Capture Your 365 Photo Challenge:

two become one ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/100 sec

Day 278 – Two Become One: the ‘task’ for this day was to combine two photos using Photoshop Elements or Photoshop. Since I don’t use either one of those programs, I thought it was rather appropriate that we were attending a wedding on this day. Perfect! While I didn’t get a photo of the bride and groom, I was able to capture this photo of their wedding cake table. Very cute cake topper don’t you think?


ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/3200 sec

Day 280 – Repetition: In our little makeshift beach area in our backyard, I have a cute little table that we found at Hobby Lobby last year. It has a great repeating heart pattern.

mirror image

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/10 sec

Day 281 – Mirror Image: One of the things I love to do with this challenge is to take a little bit of creative license to make the photo prompt for the day work for me. Since I have started burning fall candles, I thought I would capture the reflection of the candle burning.

spider webs

ISO 400, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/13 sec

Day 283 – Spider Webs: Now, I am sure there are a few spider webs in my home right now, but I decided to see if I could find any in our backyard. Looks like this spider has been quite busy!

Grab your October Photo Challenge list and start looking for your everyday photos!

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Capture Your 365

Time for a few more Capture Your 365 photos to share with you!

hats off ISO 800, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/20 sec

Day 274 – Hats Off: My son’s Civil War hat is collecting dust for a couple of reasons. One, we haven’t been to a Civil War reenactment since March! Two, this is his 20th Maine Union hat. He hasn’t worn this hat since he joined the 43rd Virginia at the beginning of the year. Guess he thought it was time to see how the other side fought.

seasonal colors

ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/50 sec

Day 275 – Seasonal Colors: Since our trees have not started turning colors yet, I thought this photo of my book page leaf project would work for this prompt, thanks to my friend Kris who shared the tutorial on her blog.

my everyday

ISO 400, 36mm, f/5.0, 1/40 sec

Day 276 – My Everyday: My kitchen, the one place in my home that I spend a good deal of time most every day preparing meals for my family.


ISO 800, 18mm, f/3.5, 1/10 sec

Day 277 – Stormy: We are still enjoying some nice, early fall weather here with daytime temperatures warm enough to leave the front door open. So what can I choose to photograph that is ‘stormy’? My closet, ugh. Time to do some fall cleaning in there, and soon!

What have you captured this week through your lens?

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Capture Your 365

Today is Wednesday! Time for my weekly post on the Capture Your 365 photo prompts.

brown ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/30 sec

Day 264 – Brown: Fall decorations have come down from the attic for the change of seasons.



ISO 400, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/50 sec

Day 268 – Notes: One song that I love to play on the piano


goodbye summer

ISO 100, 50mm,f/1.8, 1/125 sec

Day 269 – Goodbye Summer: Goodbye flip flops, at least for a season or two.



ISO 800, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/100 sec

Day 270 – Bubbles: On our family getaway last weekend, we ended up in a perfect spot for this photo prompt!

Be sure to visit the Capture Your 365 web site to print out your own photo challenge list for October!


Capture Your 365

I really meant to try to take more photos last week to match up with the daily Capture Your 365 prompts, but after taking over 200 pictures at our annual church beach trip, then working through all those photos in Lightroom, I didn’t get but a few photos for this week. Oh well, life moves on…

dolphins ISO 100, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/800 sec

So this first photo doesn’t really fit any of the photo prompts for last week, but I just had to share it! We were watching these dolphins all afternoon at the beach, and at first, I wasn’t sure if my 200mm lens would be able to capture these guys out in the ocean. It wasn’t until I loaded the photos into Lightroom that I saw this image. I was so excited to have captured this! I did have 8×10 prints made of this photo to send to our Compassion kids along with some dolphin facts and printables I found on Pinterest.

on a board ISO 800, 82mm, f/4.2, 1/4 sec

Day 260 – On A Board: Yes, I know we are officially in autumn, but summer is my favorite season! The nights and mornings are cooler here, but we are still seeing 80 degree temperatures during the day. Just warm enough to sit outside in the afternoon with bare feet. I am soaking it in while it lasts.


ISO 800, 135mm, f/16, 1/4 sec

Day 261 – Sugar and Spice: I really should have done some baking on this day, but I didn’t. The moon was so incredibly full and bright on this night. I love to be reminded to take moments like this to just be still and be amazed by His creation.

morning sun

ISO 100, 50mm, f/16, 0.6 sec

Day 262 – Morning Sun: Unless I get up really early, throw on some clothes, and drive down the road, there is no way I am going to photograph the morning sun. So I thought I would experiment with a little bit of sun flare on this one with a small aperture. Probably not one I will print and hang on my wall, but fun to play with.

Have you been working on the Capture Your 365 challenge?


Capture Your 365

Time for another week of Capture Your 365 photos!

black and white 

ISO 100, 18mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec

Day 250 – Black and White: If you know me and/or have been following my blog for some time, you know that I love to go on day trips to Yosemite. Having this amazing gem of a place within driving distance is such a blessing. There is so much beauty there, and each season has something special to offer its visitors. On this particular trip, my husband and I spent the day bike riding around the valley, something neither one of us had done before. We both enjoyed it so much!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/20 sec

Day 251 – Simple: My husband and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary this month. Anniversaries come and go, but it is the simple (and sometimes not so simple), day to day stuff that we each work on together that keeps a marriage together.


ISO 800, 34mm, f/5.0, 1/8 sec

Day 252 – Routine: Welcome to Monday! Monday around here usually means laundry day. Not the most beautiful photo I have ever taken, but just a small part of my routine.

around the house

ISO 800, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/15 sec

Day 253 – Around the House: Most week day mornings, you will find my daughter in her room, up on her new loft bed, diligently working on her school work.

on the schedule

ISO 800, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/60 sec

Day 254 – On The Schedule: I know there are so many gadgets and apps to help you stay on task with your to-do list these days, but I seem to always fall back to a simple, written out, to-do list on a post it note. This helps me keep my to-do list somewhat reasonable for the day, and I don’t know about you, but there is satisfaction in actually checking items off of a list.

details of the day

ISO 800, 48mm, f/5.6, 1/20 sec

Day 255 – Details of the Day: We like to have breakfast for dinner around here every now and then. I had purchased some strawberries at the local farmer’s market the night before, so waffles with strawberries sounded like the perfect dinner for this night. And a little whipped cream just makes it all a little bit more special!

on the table

ISO 800, 52mm, f/5.6, 1/15 sec

Day 256 – On The Table: It is not my intent to have food related photos in almost every Capture Your 365 blog post, but when the prompt fits, you just have to go with it! Anyway, I do enjoy using our cloth napkins at dinner. It has been a simple way to make our dinner table just a little more special, and we don’t go through near as many paper napkins any more. There are plenty of tutorials out there to follow to make your own set or two.

So there you have it! A full week of Capture Your 365 photos! What photos are you capturing during your week? I would love to see them!

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Capture Your 365

Another week…another week of Capture Your 365 photos!

bright background ISO 800, 50mm, f/4.0, 1/40 sec

Day 243 – Bright Background: We have had a lot of overcast evenings lately and I thought I would try something different for this photo prompt. At first, I was going to photograph the pink clouds as the sun was setting, but them I saw this huge area of sunflowers. The breeze was blowing, so I had to hold the sunflower to keep it from blurring in the photo.

everywhere a sign

ISO 800, 50mm, f/5.0, 1/60 sec

Day 244 – Everywhere a Sign: Birthdays a pretty special days around here! I made this birthday banner a few years ago. We hang it up the night before the person’s birthday, and it usually stays up for days after the special day.

still life

ISO 800, 50mm, f/3.5, 1/125 sec

Day 245 – Still Life: Homemade chocolate chip cookies and homemade iced coffee…just because

back to school

ISO 800, 50mm, f/3.5, 1/80 sec

Day 246 – Back to School: Starting year 15 of homeschooling and my only student this year requested homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I thought I would add homemade smoothies to make breakfast just a little more healthy.

indulge yourself

ISO 200, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/800 sec

Day 247 – Indulge Yourself: One of my favorite places at home is our backyard beach retreat. After lunch on nice afternoons, I will head out there with a homemade iced coffee and a book. It is the perfect way for me to recharge after a busy morning.

on the left

ISO 1600, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/5 sec

Day 249 – On The Left: My son is one creative, musical young man. He was watching some videos from a band called Rend Collective Experiment one evening. After watching the videos, he decided to recreate one of the instruments they were using in the video. Doesn’t it make the perfect prop for this photo prompt?

Did you capture photos and share them on your blog this week? Be sure to let me know if the comments. I would love to visit your blog and see your week capture in photos!

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Capture Your 365

Clouds, rust, and workout clothes – that sums up my week of photos for you, so here they are:

extraordinary in the ordinary ISO 200, 50mm, f/6.3, 1/2500 sec

Day 237 – Extraordinary In The Ordinary: I don’t know about you, but there is something special about a beautiful cloud filled sky in the summer time. Have you ever just sat and watched the clouds go by and tried to imagine what the different shapes could be? We can so easily miss this simple things in our day when we are too busy moving from one thing to the next. I know many of us have a lot we need to accomplish each day, but I hope you take time to stop and be thankful for all that God has created for us to enjoy.


ISO 400, 50mm, f/4.5, 1/250 sec

Day 240 – Rust: When I first saw the prompt for this day, I have to admit, I wasn’t too excited about it. I mean, really, rust? How exciting can that be? But I decided to poke around my backyard to see if I could even find anything that had rust on it. Then I remembered! The windows in my beach backyard retreat probably had some rust on them. Bingo! And bokeh! I guess this just goes to show me that even something as simple as rust can make a great photo.

fashion statement

ISO 800, 26mm, f/4.2, 1/30 sec

Day 241 – Fashion Statement: So you won’t see me walking around at a fashion show wearing this get up, but this is what I wear three times a week when I go out for my morning walk. An old Disney California Adventure T-shirt, cut off sweats, sneakers, and my iPhone. I take along my iPhone to keep track of my time and distance using MapMyWalk, and I listen to my walking station on Pandora. Fashionable? No. Comfortable? Yes!

The Capture Your 365 Challenge is a great way to capture everyday moments in your life. Won’t you join me?

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Capture Your 365

Five for you this week!

pink ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/80 sec

Day 229 – Pink: Pink is not my color, blue is. My home is decorated with lots of blue and I have a lot of clothes that are blue. It is hard for me to find pink things around my home. It was getting to the end of day and I remembered that I still needed to capture a photo from my day. A cloud filled evening sky usually has some shades of pink, so I stepped outside and saw this lovely summer evening sky with just a few shades of pink. Perfect!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/50 sec

Day 230 – Measured: Pinterest is a wonderful way for me to store recipes that I want to try (I even have a whole board devoted to recipes I would love to try!) No more piles of clippings from magazines collecting dust in my home. But every now and then, there is a recipe I find that sits on my counter just begging me to give it a try. And since I had just about all of the ingredients at home on this summer day, I decided to make it!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/14, 1/80 sec

Day 233 – Spin: Kelsey and I were meeting a young mom from church at one of our local parks. Since I knew they had swings, I just had to bring my camera along! She wasn’t spinning too quickly, so I knew I didn’t need too fast of a shutter speed to freeze the motion. This was my favorite one out of the bunch. I love how her braid is ‘flying’ out away from her. And I love that my 13 year old daughter is not ‘too old’ to swing for me.


ISO 400, 50mm, f/16, 1/320 sec

Day 234 – Abundant: Kelsey and I were able to spend the whole day with friends up in the foothills today. My friend and I were able to talk all day long while the girls played, chatted, swam, and made fun videos. It was a wonderful day! On the way home, I knew I wanted to capture the sunset. We pulled over a couple of times to get just the right shot. I love the sun flares on this one.

local landscape

ISO 200, 50mm, f/6.3, 1/80 sec

Day 235 – Local Landscape: As I have mentioned before, there are some days when we just stay home all day long. I could have driven around town to find something away from our home to photograph for this prompt, but why not take a picture of my own backyard since it is part of my local landscape and a place I enjoy spending time. Especially reading over in those red chairs with my iced coffee.

Have you started to Capture Your 365 yet?

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Capture Your 365

Ready for a few glimpses into my take on the Capture Your 365 photo prompts from the last week?

sunflower ISO 800, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/10 sec

Day 223 – Sunflower: I have to admit that some days, I really have trouble figuring out what to photograph. There are many days during the week that we just don’t go anywhere, and to try to find things that fit with the photo prompts, well, creativity can only go so far. Thankfully, I have these fake flowers inside my home since we are not growing sunflowers this year. If I had left the house on this particular day, I could have stop at many different places along most of the roads leading out of town to take pictures of actual sunflowers. Oh well, at least I have this picture.


ISO 800, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/60 sec

Day 224 – Play: Kelsey had a friend over on this particular day and they played quite a few rounds of Clue. I figured this was the perfect thing to photograph for this prompt! But now that I am looking at the photo on the screen, I realize I should have focused on Colonel Mustard. Poor guy must have gotten hit over the head with the wrench in the billiard room while trying to solve the crime.


ISO 1600, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/50 sec

Day 225 – Remember: Now, I don’t usually take photos of photos, but my photo wall was the perfect subject for this photo prompt. I just love the memories that are displayed here. Makes me want to be sure to have other photos printed and displayed so they can be enjoyed, rather than sitting on the hard drive of my computer.


ISO 1600, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/40 sec

Day 226 – Bonus: Two photos in a row of other photos, I am thinking I need to get out of the house a little more often! Okay, but this one really fit the prompt also. Back in June, after completing my two photography classes, I entered this photo of the Bay Bridge into our town arts and crafts contest. I was really surprised when they called to let me know that I not only won a first place ribbon, but I also won Best of Show!

Are you picking up your camera everyday to capture moments of your life?

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Capture Your 365

A few Capture Your 365 photos to share with you this week:

delicate ISO 400, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/50 sec

Day 217 – Delicate: My nana loved her tea cups, they are one thing I have at my home that are a reminder of her.


ISO 1600, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/80 sec

Day 218 – Personable: This is Horsey, my daughter’s much loved stuffed horse. She has had him for about 12 years now. I remember when he used to travel with us just about everywhere, and there were times we had to turn around and head back to someone’s home because Horsey was accidently left behind. He doesn’t leave the house as much anymore on daily trips, but you can be sure any time we are gone for more than a day, Horsey will be travelling along with her.


ISO 400, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/20 sec

Day 219 – Abstract: We acquired this spinning wheel from a sweet lady who used to be part of our Civil War Reenacting group. Kelsey took an interest for a while. Over the past few years, the spinning wheel has been collecting quite a bit of dust. So just last week, I gave it to another sweet lady who was really excited to add it to her home.

camera love

ISO 800, 50mm, f/3.2, 1/30 sec

Day 220 – Camera Love: The first time I used this camera, I was in the fifth grade and I took it with me to a week of Outdoor Ed at Mt. Hermon. My mom liked the pictures so much that she had them matted and hung them up in our home. I believe I still have those pictures in a box somewhere. It would be fun to pull them out some time. Now the camera sits on a book shelf reminding me of simpler days.

dress to impress

ISO 800, 50mm, f/3.2, 1/15 sec

Day 221 – Dress to Impress: This stay at home, homeschooling mom stays pretty comfortable running around in capris, T-shirts, and barefeet during the summer. Very rarely though, there is an opportunity to dress up for some event. Not too long ago, I found a couple of great dresses for just about $20 each to keep on hand for those dress up type of events.

It is not too late to join in the Capture Your 365 challenge! Let me know if you do, I would love to see your take on the daily photo prompts.

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