Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us


on October 6, 2012
Here is a roundup of some of my Instagram photos from the past few days…

Now that we have been in a good rountine during our school week, I have gotten back into my walking schedule. A while back, Kelsey bought an iPod, so I was able to ‘buy’ her old iPod from her. I love that I can create a playlist of walking songs. I usually ‘shuffle’ the songs before I head out the door. Two days this week, my walk started with Shaun Groves songs. Have you heard of him? If you haven’t, you need to go check him out…like right now!

We had a little visitor over the other day and there was no bib in his bag. I improvised with a wash cloth, some fabric, and some safety pins. After he left, I figured I could find a cute pattern on Pinterest for an apron to keep at our house, just in case. I found this pattern and just loved how quickly it came together! Now to make a couple more…

Just a week ago and up until a couple of days ago, our day time temperatures were right around 100 degrees! As of yesterday, it looks like the weather is starting to cool off, hopefully not too quickly!

On Thursday afternoons, I am at home by myself for a couple of hours. Yesterday, I wanted to keep myself busy, so I pulled out a project that has been sitting around that needed to be worked on. This is the third cloth book I have put together in the last couple of weeks. These make great gifts, but I am thinking of keeping this one if my church bag, just in case a little one sitting near us needs something to keep them quiet for a bit…

Today I pulled out some fabric I bought a few months ago and sketched out a quilt block to make a small quilt. I was able to finish piecing the top together, now to wait for my friend to let me know that her quilting machine is up and running!
Are you on Instagram? You can put together a blog post of your Instagram week with the rest of us at
life rearranged

2 responses to “InstaFriday

  1. Jeannett says:

    a cloth book? are these little kits you buy??? i'm intrigued!thanks for linking up!

  2. Yvonne says:

    Yep, the cloth book is a kit! I found a couple at Wal-Mart and one at the quilt store. I have even pinned a few I might try. Thank you for stopping by!

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