Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us


on October 19, 2012
life rearranged
Time for a review of my Instagram photos from the past week!
 I was inspired last week by one of the InstaFriday posts to do some organizing in my kitchen. I decided to work on my cupboard at a time. Here is the contents of one cupboard.

The picture on the left is at after photo of the cleaned out cupboard, the picture on the right was the one I needed to tackle the next day.

 Compassion Event Volunteer Time! I love being available to help find sponsors for these kids at events and concerts.
 The concert we attended this time was really close to home this time. And, the Compassion table was set up inside the auditorium. We enjoyed listening to Heavens to Betsy, Dara Maclean, Jason Castro, and For King and Country. If this concert comes through your town, be sure to go! It was a great night of worship!

 Day 3 of kitchen cupboard cleaning…the dreaded baking cupboard! Yikes!
 Ahhh, so much better! And look, there is room on the top shelf!
 On Wednesday night, Kelsey decided the two of us should play a game of Scrabble. We only had just a few tiles left by the end of the game.
 Even though my photography class was postponed last night, I decided to work on my homework. This little guy sits on a shelf in my entry way. The ‘trust God’ sign was made by Matthew a really long time ago. Isn’t it the perfect reminder for all of us? So simple and so profound…
 Another amazingly full cupboard! I believe I have enough tea to last me for years to come! Tea party anyone?
Petite Vanilla Bean Scones – these are for Kelsey’s game night tonight with some of her friends, but I am exchanging a few of these with a young lady from our church. She made coconut macaroons last night and posted a picture on Instagram. So tonight I will be able to have scones and macaroons…maybe with some tea!
Are you on Instagram? Let me know in the comments and I can follow you! Be sure to link up with Life Rearranged each week for our InstaFriday posts too!

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