Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Peru – follow along!

on November 14, 2012
The Compassion Bloggers Team is in Peru!
Kelsey and I just looked at the pictures that have been uploaded today on Flickr.
Here are a couple that we really liked:
Compassion Bloggers visit to Peru November 12-17, 2012 to write about the ministry of Compassion International. compassionbloggers.com/peru
Compassion Bloggers visit to Peru November 12-17, 2012 to write about the ministry of Compassion International. compassionbloggers.com/peru
Compassion Bloggers visit to Peru November 12-17, 2012 to write about the ministry of Compassion International. compassionbloggers.com/peru
Compassion Bloggers visit to Peru November 12-17, 2012 to write about the ministry of Compassion International. compassionbloggers.com/peru
Compassion Bloggers visit to Peru November 12-17, 2012 to write about the ministry of Compassion International. compassionbloggers.com/peru
Oh, to go on one of these trips and have the experiences that all of these bloggers are having. I am so thankful that I can follow along from my home until I have the chance, if the Lord wills, to visit one of my sponsored kids. Just today, I received a letter from Lina. She told me it would be wonderful to meet me in person and to give me a big hug.
Are you following the bloggers in Peru?

One response to “Peru – follow along!

  1. I am following… amazing!!

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