Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

The Walt Disney Family Museum

Today our family drove into the city (San Francisco) for a day trip to
 The museum is located on the grounds of The Presidio which is a beautiful area in San Francisco.
 We started off in the hands on studio where Kev and Matthew worked on a stop motion video with Kelsey looking on.
 The subject of the movie short, very colorful!
 While they were creating, I took a walk around and found a couple of fun things to photograph. Wouldn’t this look great on someone’s bedroom wall?
 Kev’s dream desk…animation desk at Disney!
 Matthew ended up working on his little short by himself
 One of the very few things I was able to photograph in the lobby area
 A replica of the apartment that sits above the fire station at Disneyland. While we were at the museum, we watched an hour long movie about Walt and his love for Christmas. This was included with the admission price. After the movie, we toured the museum. Like a lot of museums of this type, no photography was allowed.
We learned a lot about Walt’s early life, saw a lot of pencil sketches that had been saved, and saw many old family photos. The museum had many different rooms filled with a lot of history and artwork. Toward the end of the museum, there was a large model of Disneyland with a few things that I remember from my first trip a long time ago.
 I was able to take this picture from inside the museum. It was a beautiful clear day!
 Once we were outside the museum, I took just a couple more photos…
Wish I could grow these at my house!
Again, I took these photos in RAW and did a quick edit in Lightroom. I was really hoping that a book that I had ordered would have arrived today to help me to establish a good workflow in Lightroom. Guess I will need to wait until next week.
This trip will be a great topic for my next letter to my Compassion kids! And I will be sure to get some of the photos printed to send to them. Which photos do you think I should send?
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A little photography experiment

Today, I did something I haven’t done yet with my photos…I shot RAW! This morning, I formatted a memory card (which basically erases everything on your memory card). This way I was able to start with a fresh, empty memory card since RAW files take up a lot of space.
Then I went into the shooting menu on my camera and changed the image quality to RAW. According to my ‘Nikon D3100 for Dummies’ book, shooting RAW will give you ‘greater creative control’, ‘higher bit depth’, and the ‘best picture quality’. Shooting RAW requires you to edit them since you can’t share them like you can JPEG images.
When you first import your RAW photos into Lightroom, they will look very flat. So after a little bit of editing, here are some photos I took today:
 1/10 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100, 55mm
 1/6 sec, f/3.2, ISO 100, 50mm
 0.4 sec, f/7.1, ISO 100, 200mm
0.8 sec, f/7.1, ISO 100, 200 mm
I wish I could show the before photos on each of these! Once I figure that out, I will try to post the before and after photos so you can see the difference also.
The January photo list has been e-mailed for the Capture Your 365 challenge. I am looking forward to it! Will you join me?

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December Photo Project – Day 24

Going to be playing a little catch up on my December Photo Project posts. This picture happened completely by accident! I am borrowing a 50mm f/1.8 lens from a friend. I was intending to take a picture of our tree, but didn’t even have time to readjust the settings on the camera before I pushed the shutter button. After doing a quick edit in Lightroom, I have to say that I just love my accidental picture!
One thing I am considering doing in 2013 is a Capture Your 365 challenge. It is not really a challenge, but in a way it is. It will be a way for me to challenge myself to take at least one photo everyday. It will give me a chance to try some new things with my photography. After all, if I can accidentally capture pictures like the one above, I am thinking the challenge will be a lot of fun!

December Photo Project – Day 23

This year, we changed up the traditional Christmas chocolate fudge recipe. Kelsey thought it would be a good idea to experiment and try to make cookies and cream fudge.
We started out with the basic fudge recipe: sugar, butter, and evaporated milk. So just follow the recipe for heating up those ingredients. I have always used the stove top version of the recipe, so make sure you have a candy thermometer on hand. Make sure you have a bag of white chocolate chips, one jar of marshmallow creme, vanilla extract, and about 16-20 crushed up oreos ready. Once the sugar, butter, and milk mixture has reached the right temperature, take the pan off of the stove top and add the whilte chocolate chips. Stir until the chips have melted. Then add the marshmallow creme and vanilla. Once the mixture is nice and smooth, stir in the crushed oreos. I like a pan with aluminum foil to make it easier to remove and cut up the fudge.
You can leave the pan on your counter to cool, but I really like a nice cold piece of fudge, so I put the pan in the refrigerator to cool.
Hope you enjoy the recipe!
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December Photo Project – Day 21

 Homemade Christmas gifts for friends – Sugar scrubs and bath salts
Are you making homemade gifts this year?
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December Photo Project – Day 20

Tried a new recipe tonight – Chicken Potpie Soup
Since my husband had two servings, I think this recipe is a keeper… :o)
Have you tried a new recipe lately?

It’s About Giving

Are you up for a challenge?
I want 10 of my readers to give $10 to the Compassion Christmas Gift Catalog. A gift given through the Compassion Christmas Gift Catalog is a gift that can change eternity for a child and their family living in extreme poverty. Does this mean that you might have to bake cookies for your neighbor instead of buying them a Starbuck’s gift card? Maybe…
Take a look through the catalog, together as a family choose a gift, then send the money! Maybe even make an ornament for your tree to remind yourselves of the special gift that you gave this Christmas.
Will you do this today?

December Photo Project – Day 17

Gifts for Kevin to take to his work
Today I was able to bake some biscotti to go with the chai tea mix. While I was out shopping a couple of weeks ago, I found some cute 1/2 cup containers which I thought would be perfect to give the chai tea mix in. Kelsey helped me bag up the biscotti and get the bags ready. Each bag contains one printed copy of the recipe, one container of the chai tea mix, and 2 pieces of biscotti in a snack size bag. We took some fancy scissors to cut the top of the paper bags, folded them over and put two hole punches toward the top of the bag. Threaded some red ribbon through the holes and tied a bow.
What homemade gifts are you making this week?
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December Photo Project – Day 15

 Today was the last meeting of the photography class I have been taking. The instructor brought along a couple of his former students. They helped us with some posing, lighting, and tips on when to use fill flash. Taking pictures of water using a slow shutter speed was one of the first assignments we were given back in August. Well, weeks later, I think I finally got a good one today! The photo above is straight out of the camera.
I did just a little bit of adjusting in Lightroom and came out with this second photo.
I am so glad I had the chance to take this class! Using the manual settings on my camera is not nearly as scary as it was months ago when I started the class. In fact, I hardly ever have my camera set on anything but the manual setting now.
I am thinking a day trip to Yosemite needs to happen soon to practice some photography :o)
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December Photo Project – Day 13

Our generous church family has been donating their spare change to purchase treated nets to help prevent malaria through Compassion’s Bite Back program.
Are you looking for a way to make a difference this Christmas? Compassion has a whole gift catalog to help you make a gift purchase that will last a lifetime for a family living in extreme poverty. This is one gift that doesn’t need gift wrapping or a trip to the mall.
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