Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Our Bucket List Date Night

on February 15, 2013

Last weekend, my husband and I were able to go out for our monthly date night. Since I put the idea for each month in an envelope before Christmas, I am having a hard time remembering what is inside each envelope, which makes it a bit of surprise for me to!

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On my Facebook page, I asked my friends to chime in with the favorite local restaurant. I was looking for something new and different. My friends did not disappoint us! We received some wonderful suggestions and decided to try a small family-owned Italian restaurant. So off we went with our paper and my camera to give this place a try.

We were greeted with a hug at the door! They made us feel like family!

Once we placed our order, Kev opened the envelope to see what our date task would be…create bucket lists! Time to dream! With our red pieces of paper and sharpies, we started writing down some dreams:

  • trip to Europe
  • drive down Highway One in a convertible Porsche
  • own a BMW M3
  • take a class at the Culinary Institute

13_Feb_February Date Night_002_edit As each course of our dinner came, we would eat and continue to write down some dream items on our lists.

  • work for Disney
  • go on a Compassion trip
  • race a car in a vintage autocross race
  • have all the camera equipment I would ever need

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Each course was so amazing and delicious. We continued to eat our dinner and write down our dreams.

  • bobsledding
  • own and fly my own airplane
  • own Apple stock
  • have a work from home job with Compassion

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We decided early on that we will be visiting this restaurant again soon!

  • own original artwork from a Disney artist
  • spend a couple of nights at the Ahwahnee in Yosemite

At one point during our dinner, our gracious hostess invited us back to the kitchen.

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We began to wonder if they thought we were food/restaurant critics since we had been taking notes and taking pictures 🙂

  • visit the Louvre
  • have a vacation home by the beach

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I know this is not the best picture of the two of us. The picture is a little out of focus and I only had the 50mm lens with me which is a manual focus lens. But we had a really nice time talking and dreaming and enjoying some amazing food that night.

What is on your bucket list?

3 responses to “Our Bucket List Date Night

  1. Michelle says:

    🙂 i enjoyed this

  2. […] road this summer to travel to another 10 more. Talk about inspiration! Grab a couple notebooks and write down all the dreams you hope to accomplish before you ‘kick the bucket’ and decide together which ones you […]

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