Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Sending more than money

on February 18, 2013

There are a few things you can do to make your relationship with your Compassion sponsored child just a little more special.

  1. Lord willing, continue your financial sponsorship until the child has completed the program
  2. Pray for your sponsored child and his family daily
  3. Post a photo of your sponsored child in a special spot in your home
  4. Write letters of encouragement to your sponsored child

If you do these four things, you will be making a huge difference in the life of a child living in extreme poverty. Your involvement in this child’s life could be what brings him/her and his/her family into a relationship with Christ. Isn’t that amazing that a relationship that is formed from another continent can be enough to make the difference in many lives? We may never know what the eternal impact of our involvement in these kid’s lives will be.

As a Compassion sponsor, we are not required to do more than the four things listed above, but I know that as a family, we like to send more than just a letter to our Compassion kids. On the Compassion website, they give tips for connecting with your sponsored child:

Another place you can find some great letter writing ideas is on Pinterest. Compassion has a Pinterest account and the fun thing is that I am a contributor to the Compassion Pinterest account! There is a board dedicated to Letter Writing Ideas which currently has just over 100 creative ideas to include with your letters.

Source: lillightomine.com via Yvonne on Pinterest


One of my favorites projects that we have done so far is to trace our hands onto cardstock and write our favorite Bible verse. We sent these with extra cardstock with instructions for our sponsored kids to trace their hands and send them back to us with their favorite Bible verse written on it.

Source: blog.compassion.com via Compassion International on Pinterest


We have received 2 of these handprints back!

What creative item have you sent to your Compassion sponsored child lately?

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