Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Just A Swingin’

on March 1, 2013

It is much too beautiful of a pre-spring day here in California to stay cooped up in the house writing a blog post today. So today, I am going to share with you some pictures I took yesterday at my photography class. Kelsey came along with me since we were meeting the guys later, so she ended up becoming one of the subjects. Our project was to try to photograph her in our instructor’s backyard in the late afternoon while she was swinging on the swing. The pictures I am going to post today are straight out of the camera, no editing! I have to warn you, this is going to be a photo heavy post! But be sure to pay attention, because this is going to be a reader participation post! Be on the look out for your favorite…

Here are the photos I took yesterday:

13_Feb_swing before editing_010_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_001_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_002_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_003_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_004_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_005_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_006_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_007_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_008_edit 13_Feb_swing before editing_009_edit

Did you find a favorite?

Great! Tell me which picture is your favorite (just count down from the top picture and give me which number it is in the comments) and next week, what ever picture gets the most votes, I will post the before and after photo and tell you what I end up doing in Lightroom to get the after picture (which I will edit before next week!) Sound like a deal?

What will you be photographing this weekend?

4 responses to “Just A Swingin’

  1. Angie says:

    #s 4, 7, and 10. I know that’s more than one vote, but I love all three! 🙂

  2. Mari Bionaz says:

    I love the first and last two. You know me I love ones that are different.

  3. Mary Nicolaisen says:

    I like #2

  4. […] last week, I posted some photos of my daughter, Kelsey, that I took at my photography class. I encouraged my readers to look […]

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