Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us


I visited the blog of one of my Instagram friends and found out about this InstaFriday thing where you share on your blog your Instagram pictures from the week. This looked like fun so here is my first InstaFriday post!

 Matthew, Kev, and I spent most of the day on Saturday up at Joshua Fest volunteering at the Compassion table.
 We ran into Nate and Jillian while we were there. They sponsored a little girl!
 On Sunday, Matthew and I headed back up to help that night. Joe Rojas from Seventh Day Slumber gave a powerful Compassion talk! He even made me cry!
 84 rows done…136 to go on my knitting project!
 Kelsey making a sugar cube ziggurat for her Mystery of History activity. This will be our second time going through Volume I.
 Homeschool lesson on making homemade laundry soap. We compared prices and realized we are saving tons of money by making our own. Kelsey was really amazed!
 Finished the pillow for our backyard beach retreat chairs.
 Took this picture of the clouds on the way to my photography class last night.

And here is my tomato jungle. I need to plan my garden a little better next year. I can’t hardly get to the tomatoes along the back of the fence!
Well, did you enjoy the recap of my week? If so, be sure to visit InstFriday at Life Rearranged to see more InstaFriday posts!

life rearranged
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Busy, busy, busy!

My kids and I have been helping out at VBS this week.
Photo: Precious... :) http://instagr.am/p/M9C5joD9WW/
Matthew took this picture during prayer time one morning.

Since we have been just a little busy this week, I thought you might enjoy hopping over to Kelsey’s blog to see how much fun she is having with our 30 photo and drawing challenge to far.

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Pinterest, Instagram, and Baking

A friend of mine pinned a recipe on her baking board that sound so yummy. So I printed out the recipe and we decided to start baking after lunch.

Well, then I learned that Instagram was finally available for Android! I have been envious of Matthew having this app on his iPod, so I have been anxiously waiting to be able to use this app for a while now.

I had a chance to give this app a try yesterday during our baking session…

…letting the eggs and butter come to room temperature…

…cinnamon sugar biscotti!
Since I don’t always have my camera with me, but I always have my phone with me, I am looking forward to playing around with the Intagram app and seeing what I can create. Let me know if you are on Instagram so I can follow you… :o)

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