Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Photo Treasure Hunt – Orange

Since we are in October, a lot of people around the country are already seeing some great fall color. But here in Central California….not so much. However, I was able to find a few orange treasures to share with you.


post it note to do list

candy corns and peanuts



candy corn flower pot

peach tea

fall leaves

Are you ready to join in on our weekly Photo Treasure Hunt? Here is what you need to know:

  • Link up by posting your blog post URL- not just blog URL
  • Link back to one of us (grab button if desired)
  • Visit other blogs and leave comment love.
  • Be sure to take note of next theme and start collecting more photos. Jill always has a fun transition photo, so be sure to visit her blog to see what the theme is for next week!
  • We reserve the right to remove any links that don’t fit the link up theme or that we find inappropriate

    So over the last few weeks, we have been selecting colors as our theme. But this week, since Jill and I are both Compassion Advocates, we thought it would be fun to join in with a special photo treasure hunt that is going on right now on the Compassion blog!!

    Just a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about One Meal One Day, which is the focus of the photo scavenger hunt announced on the Compassion blog. We will be searching for photos which focus on blessings, waste, need, and advocacy.

    refrigerator Like this photo which shows the inside of my refrigerator.

    So the Photo Treasure Hunt theme for next week is….One Meal One Day!! Be sure to hop on over to the Compassion blog to get all of the details (and if you post a link to your photos in the widget on the Compassion blog, you will be entered in a contest for prizes from Compassion!) This next link up will start on Tuesday, October 29th.

    In the meantime, come back and share the blog link with your orange photo treasures below:

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    Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…


    Candy Corn Jar Candle Holder

    Candy Corn Jar Candle Holder

    A couple of days ago, my blogging friend, Kris, shared a Book Leaf Banner tutorial on her blog. It was just the inspiration I needed to put together a fun project using a couple of my favorite fall items.

    candy corns

    Do you like candy corns? I sure do. And do you know if you pair them with peanuts for a snack, they taste like Payday bars? Yum! And candy corns are made from great fall colors!

    Anyway, back to the project…

    project supplies The materials needed for this project are pretty simple:

    • half pint jars
    • mod podge
    • orange, yellow, and white tissue paper
    • foam brush
    • scissors

    When I am working on a project like this, I like to use a sheet of wax paper to keep everything from sticking to my table.

    tissue paperFirst step, cut the tissue paper into strips. You really don’t need exact measurements for this, you just want to make sure all three strips will cover the jar.

    brush mod podge on jar Next, brush the whole outside of the jar with the mod podge.

    wrap tissue around jar Then wrap the white and yellow tissue paper around the outside of the jar on top of the mod podge. You can use two strips of white tissue paper if you don’t want the top of the jar to be too clear.

    add orange strip 

    At this point, you will want to add more mod podge around the middle of the jar, then add the orange strip of tissue paper around the jar. Then carefully, cover the whole outside of the jar with more mod podge. Let the jar set to dry.

    jar candle

    Once the outside of the jar is dry, add a tealight or votive candle to the jar and enjoy this cute fall decoration in your home!


    Since I made two of these jars today, I would love to give one away to one of my lucky readers! To enter, leave a comment below. Want to earn extra entries? Pin, tweet, or share this post and you will receive extras entries! Please be sure to leave a comment below for each thing you do. (Open to U.S. residents only. Winner will be drawn next Friday, October 11th.)


    Capture Your 365

    Today is Wednesday! Time for my weekly post on the Capture Your 365 photo prompts.

    brown ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/30 sec

    Day 264 – Brown: Fall decorations have come down from the attic for the change of seasons.



    ISO 400, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/50 sec

    Day 268 – Notes: One song that I love to play on the piano


    goodbye summer

    ISO 100, 50mm,f/1.8, 1/125 sec

    Day 269 – Goodbye Summer: Goodbye flip flops, at least for a season or two.



    ISO 800, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/100 sec

    Day 270 – Bubbles: On our family getaway last weekend, we ended up in a perfect spot for this photo prompt!

    Be sure to visit the Capture Your 365 web site to print out your own photo challenge list for October!