Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Capture Your 365

Five for you this week!

pink ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/80 sec

Day 229 – Pink: Pink is not my color, blue is. My home is decorated with lots of blue and I have a lot of clothes that are blue. It is hard for me to find pink things around my home. It was getting to the end of day and I remembered that I still needed to capture a photo from my day. A cloud filled evening sky usually has some shades of pink, so I stepped outside and saw this lovely summer evening sky with just a few shades of pink. Perfect!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/50 sec

Day 230 – Measured: Pinterest is a wonderful way for me to store recipes that I want to try (I even have a whole board devoted to recipes I would love to try!) No more piles of clippings from magazines collecting dust in my home. But every now and then, there is a recipe I find that sits on my counter just begging me to give it a try. And since I had just about all of the ingredients at home on this summer day, I decided to make it!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/14, 1/80 sec

Day 233 – Spin: Kelsey and I were meeting a young mom from church at one of our local parks. Since I knew they had swings, I just had to bring my camera along! She wasn’t spinning too quickly, so I knew I didn’t need too fast of a shutter speed to freeze the motion. This was my favorite one out of the bunch. I love how her braid is ‘flying’ out away from her. And I love that my 13 year old daughter is not ‘too old’ to swing for me.


ISO 400, 50mm, f/16, 1/320 sec

Day 234 – Abundant: Kelsey and I were able to spend the whole day with friends up in the foothills today. My friend and I were able to talk all day long while the girls played, chatted, swam, and made fun videos. It was a wonderful day! On the way home, I knew I wanted to capture the sunset. We pulled over a couple of times to get just the right shot. I love the sun flares on this one.

local landscape

ISO 200, 50mm, f/6.3, 1/80 sec

Day 235 – Local Landscape: As I have mentioned before, there are some days when we just stay home all day long. I could have driven around town to find something away from our home to photograph for this prompt, but why not take a picture of my own backyard since it is part of my local landscape and a place I enjoy spending time. Especially reading over in those red chairs with my iced coffee.

Have you started to Capture Your 365 yet?

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Capture Your 365

Boy has it been a busy week around here, which didn’t leave a lot of time for me to focus on the photo prompts from the Capture Your 365 challenge. Only three photos from the prompts this week, but I do have one bonus photo to share.


ISO 100, 50mm, f/5.0, 1/640 sec

Day 117 – Fresh: Finally had some time to clean up my garden area and get some plants in the ground. Spent about three hours putting in 4 tomato plants, 20 basil starts, 2 zucchini, a whole bunch of marigolds and 3 new rose bushes. Instead of wire tomato cages, I am trying this new thing I found on Pinterest to help support the tomato plants. We will see how well it works.

on the floor

ISO 100, 18mm, f/8.0, 1.6 sec

Day 118 – On The Floor: Just bought a new piece of furniture from IKEA, so time to rearrange things in the school/craft room…again. With Matthew out of school and Kelsey doing a lot of school work in her room, the school/craft room isn’t really being used as a school room anymore. So we cleared out 2 desks and I am currently on the lookout for a big craft table to use in this room. Meanwhile, there are many piles all over the place that need to find new homes.

the price

ISO 100, 22mm, f/8.0, 1/200 sec

Day 119 – The Price: This is why you fill up your gas tank before you get into the mountains around here. This gas station is right outside of Yosemite National Park, which brings me to this bonus picture for you this week!

yosemite falls

ISO 100, 18mm, f/8.0, 1/200 sec

Bonus photo: Last week, I was able to go to Yosemite with three of my friends. It was just what I needed, a little break to enjoy the beauty of this place that God created. The falls were amazingly full, it wasn’t too crowded, the weather was gorgeous…where do you go when you need a break?

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Capture Your 365

This week I am making a dismal showing in the Capture Your 365 Challenge with only 3 photos. Not that I didn’t take a lot of pictures over the past week, just didn’t have a chance to really focus on the prompts for this week. So here goes:

13_Mar_plant something_001_edit ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.5, 1/160 sec

Day 79 – Plant Something: I love freesia! These bulbs have been coming up in my backyard for a couple of weeks now. They are so fragrant and colorful. The best part is planting them in the fall and waiting for them to come up in the spring. Such a treat!


ISO 800, 50mm, f/4.0, 1/13 sec

Day 80 – Hiding: Last year, I found this Mama & Me journal idea on Pinterest. Kelsey loves to write notes, so I thought this would be a fun way to keep in touch with each other. My husband and I went away for a couple of days and I found this when I got home. She left me the sweetest note! I just know this journal is going to be a treasure for both of us!


ISO 100, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/320 sec

Day 85 – Color: Now I know these freesia are white (and I had just taken another picture of my freesia a few days ago), but I had just watered my garden and couldn’t resist taking a picture with all the water droplets.

Are you following along with the Capture Your 365 challenge?

What did you photograph this past week?


Capture Your 365

Out of the seven prompts for this week, I only took photos for four of them. Had trouble getting inspired with a couple of the prompts for this past week. But I hope you enjoy the photos I did take this week!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/80 sec

Day 45 – Love: It just made sense that the prompt fell on Valentine’s Day! We have made it a tradition to stay home on this day for and have a nice dinner with the kids. We bring out the china and crystal, and usually have a fancy dessert. Less pressure on us this way…

13_Feb_Color from the garden_001_edit

ISO 100, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/400 sec

Day 48 – Color From The Garden: First of my bulbs to bloom! It is always a surprise in the spring to see what bulbs are going to bloom.

13_Feb_a favorite snack_001_edit

ISO 100, 50mm, f/5.6, 1/8 sec

Day 49 – A Favorite Snack: So I thought today would be the perfect day to bake my favorite chocolate chip cookies (it is worth the 14 day free trial to get this recipe!) and photograph them. However, I didn’t put the full amount of flour in these so they turned out rather flat (I can’t believe I did that!) To remedy this, I took another photo after dinner…

13_Feb_a favorite snack_002_edit

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.0, 1/30 sec

…ice cream, another one of my favorite snacks!

13_Feb_a tree_001_edit

ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/4000 sec

Day 50 – A Tree: a winter, leaf-less tree awaiting the coming storm

What did you photograph this last week?