Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

I went on a field trip!

Now I know I usually post something about Compassion on Mondays here on my blog, but I just have to share with you what I was able to do on Saturday this past weekend. Since last fall, I have been taking a photography class through a local photographer. He teaches through one of the charter schools, but he is open to having adults join in his classes, which I have really appreciated! My camera now sits in manual mode almost 99% of the time while I am shooting pictures, and I love having the control over the settings.

So on Saturday, our class went on a field trip to San Francisco for a whole day excursion. The city was quite foggy which was a little disappointing because I was really looking forward to going to a spot I had never been before. The plan was to end our day at the Marin Headlands around sunset time to get night time shots of the Golden Gate Bridge. But it was not going to happen, there was just too much fog to make that trip over the bridge. So we started heading back home…or so we thought.

There is an island part way across the bay as you are driving back over the Bay Bridge. We decided to give it a try. So, with all of our camera gear and whatever warm clothing we had with us, we made our way across a hill to set up our tri-pods for some shots of the San Francisco skyline.

San Francisco

ISO 100, 135mm, f/22, 30 seconds

At first, it really wasn’t quite dark enough

San Francisco

ISO 100, 100mm, f/25, 30 seconds

Amazing what a difference a few minutes later can make

San Francisco

ISO 100, 70mm, f/8.0, 13 seconds

Then someone suggested that I open up my aperture and change my white balance settings in my camera. Can you see the light trails in the bottom right corner from a boat?

San Francisco

ISO 100, 70mm, f/8.0, 13 seconds

The only difference between the last picture and this one is the white balance settings. Which one do you like better?

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ISO 100, 120mm, f/7.1, 10 seconds

We did move around a bit on the hillside to get just a little different perspective

San Francisco

ISO 100, 120mm, f/7.1, 10 seconds

Again, the only difference in these last two photos is the white balance setting in the camera. Which one do you like better?

We were all out on the side of the hill for just over an hour shooting pictures. I had a great time adjusting settings, moving around to different spots, and learning how many white balance settings I have in my camera. There is always something new to learn, right? Now I have to tell you that these photos are straight out of my camera, I have not done any editing on them yet in Lightroom. I know they need a little work, so hopefully, I will have a bit of time this week to play around with these…or any one of the almost 300 pictures I took on Saturday.

Did you take pictures of anything fun this past weekend?


Just a Swingin’ – The Edit

So last week, I posted some photos of my daughter, Kelsey, that I took at my photography class. I encouraged my readers to look through the unedited version of the photos and pick their favorite. And the winner was, this one:

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Here are the settings from the original photo: ISO 400, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/160 sec

Then I pulled the photo into Lightroom 4 (which I am loving by the way!) and did a little bit of editing:


In addition to these settings, I also did a skin softening on her face and a post-crop vignetting in the amount of –24. Now I am still learning the edit part of photos, because I really never thought it was necessary. Since taking these couple of classes, I am now able to see that even just a little bit of editing can make a big difference in my photos.

So again, here is the before:

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And here is the after:


Now if someone had moved her hair away from across her eyes, that would have been helpful! But I am not by any means at expert at Photoshop Elements yet, so I am not even going to attempt to edit those away!

So what do you think? Does it help to see the screenshot of what I did in Lightroom?


Just A Swingin’

It is much too beautiful of a pre-spring day here in California to stay cooped up in the house writing a blog post today. So today, I am going to share with you some pictures I took yesterday at my photography class. Kelsey came along with me since we were meeting the guys later, so she ended up becoming one of the subjects. Our project was to try to photograph her in our instructor’s backyard in the late afternoon while she was swinging on the swing. The pictures I am going to post today are straight out of the camera, no editing! I have to warn you, this is going to be a photo heavy post! But be sure to pay attention, because this is going to be a reader participation post! Be on the look out for your favorite…

Here are the photos I took yesterday:

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Did you find a favorite?

Great! Tell me which picture is your favorite (just count down from the top picture and give me which number it is in the comments) and next week, what ever picture gets the most votes, I will post the before and after photo and tell you what I end up doing in Lightroom to get the after picture (which I will edit before next week!) Sound like a deal?

What will you be photographing this weekend?


Capture Your 365

Time for another week of photos!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.8, 1/6 sec

Day 52 – Performance: Kelsey working on her least favorite subject, math. At least she likes the program we use: Teaching Textbooks! I love that all, and I do mean all, of the problems have a solution that is explained in easy to understand terms. The curriculum has made my life easier as a homeschool mom!

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ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/50 sec

Day 53 – Sweet Treats: I have to say I am loving these excuses to bake! Made up a batch of my favorite sugar cookies for this photo prompt. Kelsey helped me with the icing and the sprinkles. Even though the icing turned out a little too pink for my liking, it was the perfect color for the photo.


ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.5, 1/13 sec

Day 54 – Framed: I am not one to usually take pictures tilted, but given the suggestion for this prompt, I thought I would give it a try on this photo. That wicked cough came back over the weekend, so hot tea with honey was my way to try to beat it, with one of my favorite mugs of course.

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ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.5, 1/13 sec

Day 55 – For the Love Of Music: Kelsey has been diligently practicing a song with the hopes of playing it at church soon.

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ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/60 sec

Day 56 – A Cup Of ____ : For me in the morning, it is always orange juice! My favorite go-to breakfast most often is a bowl of cheerios and a cup of orange juice. Yum!

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ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/13 sec

Day 57 – From The Side: This Bible sits on a table in the entry way of our home. It belonged to a set of great grandparents who I don’t believe I ever met. But it was special to my grandmother, and she gave it to me to keep, which makes it a special heirloom for me to cherish.

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ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/2000 sec

Bonus photo!: On my way home from photography class last week, I just had to pull over to take this picture. The sun was starting to set and I had noticed on the way to class that some of the almond trees were starting to blossom. Sure is nice having that big girl camera with me at times like this one!

What did you photograph this past week?

Want to join in the fun? Visit Capture Your 365 and sign up for her mailing list. You get a daily e-mail with the photo prompt for the day. As you may have noticed, there are days that I have missed, but it sure is fun adding a little creativity to what I am able to capture each day. Hope you join me on this photo adventure!

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