Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

Making time to be a blessing

on November 9, 2012

Today was yet one more day that we put away the books and did some ‘home ec’. This time, Kelsey and I gathered up some art projects, some reading books, and some cookie dough and headed over to the house of a young couple from our church. Right now this couple is taking care of two of their neices while their mom and dad are out of the country taking care of arrangements to adopt and bring home their new little brother. Due to some circumstances beyond everyone’s control, the girls will be staying a little bit longer than anyone anticipated with aunt and uncle, who already have three young children of their own.

It is times like these that I am so thankful we have been homeschooling and I am working toward the other end of our homeschooling journey. Book work has its place, but when we can take time from that book work and bless a young family, it just warms my heart. The girls were all so excited when we arrived!

There are many things our kids can do to be a blessing in our communities: rake a neighbor’s yard, help to prepare a meal for a new mom and her family, be a mommy’s helper, help in the nursery at church, make cards for soldier’s serving overseas, etc.

What types of service projects do you and your family do in your area?

One response to “Making time to be a blessing

  1. Anne says:

    That's wonderful that you were able to do that! So important! // I don't homeschool, and I work outside the home… but, to answer your question… // One of the things we do… our kids offer babysitting for the parents in our small group from church who need it. I remember not having a babysitter or the money for a babysitter and so not feeling like we could afford to be in a small group. I don't want anyone in our small group to feel that way. So we tell our kids that it is their ministry to the parents and it is very important. //

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