Our Little Corner of the World

Living, loving, and learning, right where God has planted us

December Photo Project – Day 11

Joseph and Mary are on their way to Bethlehem
Years ago, I found this book, Celebrate Jesus at Christmas, to use for our daily readings during Advent. In this book, you set up an empty stable under your tree (or another area of your home). At the end of the daily readings, you move the nativity pieces around your home as they journey toward Bethlehem and the stable. I looked everywhere for just the right nativity set to use that my kids could enjoy moving around the house. We don’t read the daily readings from this book every year now, but we still move around our nativity pieces. Baby Jesus will arrive on Christmas morning wrapped in gold paper and is the first ‘gift’ the kids open. This has been one tradition we have enjoyed.
What Christmas tradition do you enjoy as a family?
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Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

There isn’t anything wrong with this picture, is there?
A Bible opened up to Luke 2, the story of Jesus’ birth.
Nativity pieces.
Advent wreath and candles.
But wait, the candles are the wrong color, aren’t they?
In the past, this really would have bothered me, the wrong color candles. There is ‘suppose to be’ 3 purple candles, one pink candle, and one white candle in the center.
My first-born, type-A tendencies would put me on a quest each year before Christmas trying to find the ‘right’ color candles. But you know what I have begun to realize over the last few years? Jesus doesn’t really care what color the candles are. He wants us to take the time during this season of advent to reflect on the miracle of His birth. He is the Savior of our world. That should be the focus of my worship to Him, not the color of my candles.